V Increase your ¡nfluencer count by getting other users to share your custom vrings!
Top vrings
Rank Username vring ¡nfluence
1 RDOlivaw Applause 3
2 RDOlivaw puurrrrr 3
3 MockingJen BUSSIN 3
4 ImBatman Waiting… 3
5 RDOlivaw LETS GO 2
6 DrDev Got Your Back 2
7 ImBatman Ready! 2
8 RDOlivaw It Capn' 2
9 alex Call Me 2
10 Vision O.M.G. 2
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Welcome to the Haptics of Things™ Network

Friday, January 28, 2022 11:50 AM

Please have a look around! You must be registered to post a comment, question, or topic to discuss any and all things vring. Currently, the only way to register is through the mobile app itself. Thank you for joining our community!

Through the HoT® network, we also provide a B2B service for OEMs and retail businesses, including collecting, analyzing, and utilizing generalized data obtained from user trends for business marketing and branding decisions. The HoT® is an API for physical sensations in the digital world. Create a feel for your digital product and understand how your users are engaging! However, to the users themselves, we promise to never sell your specific registration data to brokers!

HoT® Off the Press:

Welcome new users! And Happy New Year!

Don't know where to start? Visit our sassy FAQ, link at the bottom of this page...

¡nfluencer rewards program began in April, 2023. Stay at the top of the ¡nfluencer list the longest during a quarter and receive a discount code for merchandise! Head over to distalreality.com to check out the swag!

WINNER Q2, 2023: ImBatman

WINNER Q3, 2023: ImBatman (again!)

WINNER Q4, 2023: MockingJen

WINNER Q1, 2024: MockingJen

WINNER Q2, 2024: No winner! (*Top spot held by abandoned vring)

WINNER Q3, 2024: MockingJen

WINNER Q4, 2024: (your username here!)


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