Increase your ¡nfluencer count by getting other users to share your custom vrings!
Top vrings
Rank | Username | vring | ¡nfluence |
1 | RDOlivaw | Applause | 3 |
2 | MockingJen | BUSSIN | 3 |
3 | RDOlivaw | puurrrrr | 3 |
4 | ImBatman | Waiting… | 3 |
5 | RDOlivaw | LETS GO | 2 |
6 | DrDev | Got Your Back | 2 |
7 | RDOlivaw | It Capn' | 2 |
8 | alex | Call Me | 2 |
9 | Vision | O.M.G. | 2 |
10 | RDOlivaw | My Custome Vring | 2 |
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Ghost vrings?
Okay, anyone else think they feel a vring, and then look at the log and see nothing? Uh. I think I felt to these before I got the app, but now it's off the hook... Anyone? Peep?
Hey G_Wash,
We feel you! Perhaps when there's more users, we'll revisit this topic. For now, we're closing it. Thanks for being a part of the HoT!
-Mark and Steve
Closed topic.